Interpreting and Sketching Graphs of Relations and Functions
- Quiz: Function Notation
- Notes: 5.3 Interpreting and Sketching Graphs
- Text: Pg 281 #3, 5, 8, 13
- Worksheet: Interpreting Graphs Worksheet #1
- KEY: Interpreting Graphs Worksheet #1 KEY
- Worksheet: Sketching Functions III
- KEY: Sketching Functions III KEY
- Notes: 5.5 Graphs of Relations and Functions (up to and include vertical line test)
- Worksheet: Worksheet #3 (Is it a Relation or Function) - in Unit Booklet
- KEY: Worksheet #3 (Relation or Function)
- Worksheet: What Did the Baby Porcupine Say When it Backed Into a Cactus
- KEY: What Did the Baby Porcupine Say When It Backed Into a Cactus KEY
- Worksheet: What Did Farmer John Show His Chicken When She Wouldn't Lay Any Eggs
- KEY: What Did Farmer John Show His Chicken When She Wouldn't Lay Any Eggs KEY
- Assignment: Relations and Functions Practice